1.1-6 Morrison Hotel

How Do I?

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  1. How do I find out what cluster software is installed?
    In general, additional software is installed under /opt. You can also issue a "rpm -qa|grep Limulus" to see the installed cluster RPMS.
    You can query a specific RPM by issuing a "rpm -qli <name>" command, where <name> is the RPM name without the version information (e.g rpm -qli Limulus-doc)

  2. How do I use the Julia language?
    Load the julia module, "module load julia/0.3.6," start julia by typing "julia". You may find the on-line Users Guide helpful.
    (note: version used for example module command may differ, check with "module avail" for the current Julia module)

  3. How do I submit a single process job?
    This page explains how to submit a single process job script to Sun Grid Engine/Open Grid Scheduler. Be sure to load the SGE module, "module load sge6"

  4. How do I submit a parallel job?
    This page explains how to submit a parallel process job script to Sun Grid Engine/Open Grid Scheduler. Be sure to load the SGE module, "module load sge6"

  5. How do I monitor the cluster
    This page explains various monitoring software available to the cluster.

  6. How do I monitor the Grid Engine queue?
    This page explains how to monitor the SGE queue.

  7. How do I compile a sequential program
    This page explains how to compile and run sequential programs.

  8. How do I compile a parallel program
    This page explains how to compile and run parallel programs.

  9. How do I use modules
    This page explains how to use environment modules.

  10. How do I use the math libraries?
    This page explains how to use the installed math libraries.

  11. How do I find documentation?
    A Documentation varies by package. You can find local and remote documentation on the main page.

  12. How do I ask further questions?
    If you have a supported system contact: Basement Supercomputing.

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